Olivier Lefèvre

My name is Olivier Lefevre and I am a student at McGill. I am currently majoring in Honors Stats and Computer Science with a Minor in Entrepreneurship. I am extremely passionate about the future of AI and specifically RL. A lot of my side projects revolve around Reinforcement Learning and AI. I am hungry for knowledge and opportunities to expand my knowledge around Computer Science and AI. This is a portfolio to showcase my projects and a little bit about me.

What I'm up to:

Graph 1

Created tool to graph university classes based on Major and scraping the webpage

Graph 2
Mountain Car gif

Implementation of popular baseline reinforcement learning papers

CartPole Gif
Research 1

Developed a Research Project centered around plagiarism detection (pre-ChatGPT)

Research 2
gradient descent

Service to detect plagiarism in submitted papers

cos sim

Created platform that supports posts, users, messaging games etc...
